
Fixed star:  ZOSMA
Constellation:  Delta (δ) Leo
Longitude 1900:  09VIR55 Longitude 2000:  11VIR19
Declination 1900:  +21.04′ Declination 2000:  +20.32′
Right ascension:  11h 13m Latitude:  +14.19′
Spectral class:  A2 Magnitude:  2.6

The history of the star: Zosma

from p.260 of Star Names, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889.
[A scanned copy can be viewed on this webpage

ZosmaDelta (δ) Leo, Zosma, is triple star, 2.6, 13, and 9, pale yellow, blue, and violet, on the Lion’s rump, near the tail of the Lion.

Zosma and Zozma is a Persian word meaning “the Girdle”, “Enzonement” or “Loincloth”.

Zosma and Zozma are from Greek Zosma, an occasional form of Greek zoma, the Girdle, found in the Persian Tables; but its propriety as a stellar title is doubtful, for the star is on the Lion’s rump, near the tail.

The 15th century Tartar astronomer Ulug Beg very correctly termed it Al Thahr al Asad, the Lion’s Back, which has become Duhr and Dhur of modern catalogues.

Delta (δ) Leo, Zosma, with theta (θ Coxa) on the hind quarter, constituted the 9th manzil (Arabic Moon Mansion), Al Zubrah, the Mane, and itself bears this name as Zubra,— strange titles for star and station so far away from that feature of the animal (nowhere near the Mane of our present Lion figure, Arabs had a much larger lion). Delta (δ this star Zosma) and theta (θ Coxa) also were Al Kahil al Asad, the Space between the Shoulders of the Lion; and Al H-aratan, sometimes transcribed Chortan, and translated the Two Little Ribs, or the two Khurt, or Holes, penetrating into the interior of the Lion; but all these seem as inapplicable as are the other titles.

In India Delta (δ) Leo, Zosma, with theta (θ Coxa) marked the corresponding nakshatra (9th Hindu Moon Mansion), Purva Phalguni, delta (δ this star Zosma) being the junction star between the two Phalguni asterisms. Purva Phalguni refers to “The Lucky One,” Phalguni literally means “fruit” ().

On the Euphrates Delta (δ) Leo, Zosma, with theta (θ Coxa), were Kakkab Kua, the constellation of the god Kua, the Oracle [according to this website on the Sumerian language; the word kakkab means constellation, and is also translated star, and the word kua seems to have three meanings; “fish”, “god”, and “oracle”], and hence according to Noonan (see below) these stars gave the ability to prophesy.

In Egypt, according to Hewitt these stars, Delta (δ) Leo, Zosma, with theta (θ Coxa), were Mes-su, the Heart of Su [messu is Egyptian for “anointed one,” from which the word “messiah” comes (source, p.410.). The child Horus was the messu of the inundation. (source, p.525.)].

In Sogdiana (an Iranian people) they were “Wadha, the Wise”.

In Khorasmia, Armagh, the “Great”. 

With the Copts (who are now the Christians in Egypt) they were Pikhorion, the Shoulder.

In China delta (δ this star Zosma) was Shang Seang, the Higher Minister of State.

Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889].

The Lunar Mansions

Delta (δ this star Zosma) with theta (θ Coxa)Leo, on the hind quarter of the Lion, constituted the 9th manzil (Arabic Moon Mansion), Al Zubrah, the Mane, and itself bears this name as Zubra,— strange titles for star and station so far away from that feature of the animal (nowhere near the Mane of our present Lion figure, Arabs had a much larger lion).

Influences of 9th Arabic Moon Mansion Al Zubrah: Good for voyages, gain by merchandise, redemption of captives. [Robson, p.70.]

With Moon transiting here: plant, marry but do not navigate. [Robson, p.70.]

In India they marked the corresponding nakshatra (9th Hindu Moon Mansion), Purva Phalguni, delta (δ this star Zosma) being the junction star between the two Phalguni asterisms. Purva Phalguni refers to “The Lucky One,” Phalguni literally means “fruit” (). Purva Phalguni, The Former Bad One. The symbol is a Bed or Couch. Regents, the Adityas, Aryaman and Bagha. Ruled by Venus.

Influences of the 9th Hindu Moon Mansion Purva Phalguni: A severe asterism belonging to the Brahmin caste and favorable for acts of disgrace, destruction, deceit, imprisonment, beating, burning and poison when containing the Moon. Those born on the lunar day will be fond of women, dancing, art and trade, will remain youthful and deal in natural produce. With Moon here at birth native will be generous, handsome, submissive, of wandering habits and good speech. Rules uninhabited houses and the right arm. [Robson, p.79.]

The astrological influences of the constellation Leo

Ptolemy makes the following observations: “Of the stars in Leo, two in the head are like Saturn and partly like Mars. The three in the neck are like Saturn, and in some degree like Mercury. . . . Those in the loins . . . Saturn and Venus: those in the thighs resemble Venus, and, in some degree, Mercury.” It is said that the stars in the neck, back and wing all bring trouble, disgrace and sickness affecting the part of the body ruled by the sign, especially if they happen to be in conjunction with the Moon. By the Kabalists, Leo is associated with the Hebrew letter Kaph and the 11th Tarot Trump “Strength.” [Robson, p.48.]

The astrological influences of the constellation Leo given by Manilius:

“Who can doubt the nature of the monstrous Lion, and the pursuits he prescribes for those born beneath his sign? The lion ever devises fresh fights and fresh warfare on animals, and lives on spoil and pillaging of flocks. The sons of the Lion are filled with the urge to adorn their proud portals with pelts and to hang up on their walls the captured prey, to bring the peace of terror to the woods, and to live upon plunder. There are those whose like bent is not checked by the city-gates, but they swagger about in the heart of the capital with droves of beasts; they display mangled limbs at the shop-front, slaughter to meet the demands of luxury, and count it gain to kill. Their temper is equally prone to fitful wrath and ready withdrawal, and guileless are the sentiments of their honest hearts” [Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, p.237.]

The astrological influences of the star Zosma

Of the nature of Saturn and Venus. It causes benefit by disgrace, selfishness, egotism, immorality, meanness, melancholy, unhappiness of mind and fear of poison, and gives an unreasonable, shameless and egotistical nature. [Robson, p.219.]

Its reputation is that of giving an alert mind, but also inclination to melancholic moods. Conjunct with so called ‘malefics’, danger by poison and disease of the intestinal tract are indicated. These interpretations have to be considered with utmost caution and restraint. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.55.]

Ability to prophesy. On the Euphrates the star theta (θ Coxa), along with this star delta (δ Zosma), was the god Kua, the Oracle. [Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.32.]


Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923].